There are different types of grass in Texas that you can grow in your garden. It all depends on which part of the state you live in. In general, the summers in Texas are quite dry, hot and long that is why you need to choose the right type of grass if you live in Texas.
You should grow the grass in direct sunlight. If you do that then the roots will be stronger. Prefer the sunlight instead of the shade. Below you will find a detailed guide of the different types of grass in Texas. Which one you will choose is up to you.
Different Types
There are different types of grass in Texas. There are types of grass that are quite famous and bellow you can see the list that we will analyze.
- The St. Augustine Grass
- The Bermuda Grass
- The Zoysia Grass
- The Kentucky Bluegrass
- The Ryegrass
- The Carpet Grass
- The tall Fescue Centipede Grass
Let’s have a look at their characteristics.
1. St. Augustine Grass
The first type of grass that you can find in Texas is the St. Augustine. The particular grass needs a lot of water in order to grow. This type can grow equally well in the shade. It doesn’t need a lot of sun and it is tolerant to different weather conditions. You don’t have to worry about the climate.
If you have a soil that is clay-based then you could definitely plant it. It is an elegant grass that has a beautiful green color. This grass is amazing if you want to rest on it. Once it grows you can create your own special spot where you can rest and your kids can play without any fear.
2. Bermuda Grass
The second type of grass that you can find in Texas would be Bermuda. Bermuda requires the least water in order to grow. This type can grow equally good in all Texas. This happens because Bermuda has several types in order to fit in the different climate. The soils that it won’t grow would be sandy and coarse ones.
One type of Bermuda that you could use would be the Mohawk one. It is a hardy grass that has a rich texture. This type can be tolerant of drought, cold, and the heat. You can choose this one if you don’t mind about the appearance of your garden so much.
If you want your grass to have an elegant appearance then you could use La Paloma. La Paloma can tolerate different conditions too. It has a fine texture and a great green color. Whichever one you choose, make sure that’s the right one.
3. Zoysia Grass
The Zoysia type needs neither too much nor too little water. It needs the right amount in order to grow. This is the most famous type of grass that you can find in Texas. The seeds of this type cost a bit more compared to Bermuda and St. Augustine. It will give you an amazing result if you choose it.
It is a type of grass that you can find in Texas that not only can tolerate different weather conditions but also it can grow in a wide variety of soils. If you take proper care of it then you’ll have an amazing lawn with a healthy color.
4. Kentucky Bluegrass
Another type of grass that can grow in Texas is the Kentucky bluegrass. The particular grass can grow from 18 to 24 inches. Its tip looks like a boat. This grass can grow great during the cool season and it is grown by irrigation. It is limited in the panhandle area. It took the name of bluegrass because when it grows the heads of the flowers are blue.
5. Ryegrass Grass
Ryegrass grows best during winter and fall but it can hold up all year round. This specific type of grass that grows in Texas has 2 sub-types, the annual and the perennial types. The annual type is only for 1 season and it can survive the winter. The perennial is for year-round coverage. It is up to you to choose which type you prefer.
This grass is perfect for golf courses, parks, and your garden of course. Sometimes gardeners mix Ryegrass with Bluegrass for better results. You can do the same if you want to. You will have a mixture and your grass will look better and it will be easily maintained.
6. Carpet Grass
Carpet grass is a type of grass that grows in the coastal areas of Texas. It grows best during the warm season and it is a perennial grass. It is a low maintenance grass but it won’t grow in dry areas, in the shade or even in salty marshes. The right conditions for this grass to grow would be plenty of wet soil and a low-fertility soil. In this way, it will grow quite quickly.
7. The Tall Fescue & Centipede Grass
The final type of grass that grows in Texas would be the tall Fescue and Centipede grass. This particular grass came to U.S. from China. It is weed resistant which makes it perfect for your garden. It needs a lot of shade in order to grow and during periods of drought and heat it needs extra water too.
Apart from these 2 names, you may find it as bunch-type too. This happens because when it grows in a bunch that starts from the crown. You mustn’t mix it with bluegrass, it won’t work. It can tolerate shade but it won’t do well in freezing conditions. For this reason, choose wisely.
We hope that our guide has given you tips about the different type of grass that grows in Texas. It is entirely up to you which type you will choose. If you aren’t sure you could ask at the local nursery store in order to help you.
There is a variety of types of grass that grows in Texas. Choose the one that will match your soil too. You want to have an amazing garden with a beautiful lawn. Follow our tips and you won’t lose.