Peppermint essential oil uses: The Best natural product

Peppermint essential oil
the exi pur

Peppermint essential oil has many uses. You can use it for its aroma, it can help with our health and it helps improve our energy. It is one of the most popular oils and it is recommended by doctors too.

You should always keep this peppermint oil in your house. It is used all over the world for different reasons. Let’s have a look at the uses of peppermint essential oil. First, let’s have look at what it is.

Peppermint essential oil History

Peppermint is one of the oldest herbs that exist in Europe. They used to use it in ancient Japan, China, and Greece. What makes this oil perfect is the fact that they used it in ancient Egypt too.

the exi pur

What makes peppermint unique is the fact that it is a hybrid. Peppermint oil is a combination of water mint and spearmint. Apart from the oil it has other forms too. You can use the leaves; you can find it in the form of tablets and of course spray.

It also has a refreshing aroma that you are familiar with. Let’s have a look at why is important to use peppermint essential oil.


One important use of peppermint essential oil is when you have a cold. The oil has the ability to act as a natural decongestant. You can either inhale it directly or apply it topically. If you inhale it you need to breathe deeply. In this way, your airways will open and you will feel the difference.

If you want to apply it topically then you will have to mix 2 to 3 drops with coconut oil and massage your chest. Additionally, you can add 9 drops of peppermint oil to a bowl that contains hot water. Then inhale the vapors for 8 minutes. You will feel relieved.

Joint pain

Another use of the this natural product is to soothe the pain that is caused by arthritis and osteoarthritis. You can apply it topically. All you have to do is to drop 10 drops of the oil in coconut oil or olive oil, you only need two tablespoons. Rub it to the area that is needed.

Headaches and Migraines

Unfortunately, most of us suffer from headaches and migraines. If you use it you will not only feel better but your nausea that is caused by the migraine will disappear.

Peppermint oil for flu

What you need to do is to mix some drops of the oil into jojoba oil. Then you need to massage your temples and you will feel the difference immediately. It is a natural way to protect yourself instead of using medicine to help the pain go away.


If acne is torturing you then it can help you. If you use it you will help prevent your pores from clogging. All you have to do is to follow this easy recipe.

You need to mix 7 drops of water, with 1 drop of eucalyptus oil and 1 drop of the peppermint oil. Then you need to soak a cotton swab. Blend it and apply it only on the pimples. You can leave it all night long and then wash your face in the morning.


During the summertime we all go to the beach. What happens if we get sunburn? Peppermint essential oil has a calming use too. It has anti-inflammatory properties and you will feel relieved.

how to use pepperming oil for sunburn

You have to mix the peppermint oil with coconut oil. Apply to the area that is needed and you will notice that the redness will be reduced and the pain (if there is any) will cool down.

Hair growth

Another great use of the peppermint essential oil is that it helps your hair grow. It has the ability to rejuvenate your hair follicles that why it is used as an ingredient in most shampoos.

If your shampoo doesn’t have it as an ingredient then you add it on your own. You have to add 1 tablespoon of the oil in 2 cups of your favorite shampoo. Then shake it and it is ready for use.

Additionally, you can mix the peppermint oil with 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and massage your head and apply it also to your hair. You will notice the difference immediately. It will help your hair and they will be healthy.

Stress relief

Unfortunately, stress is a part of our everyday life. We all get stressed for different reasons. A good way to help you relieve stress is peppermint oil. By using it you will feel calm and relaxed.

uses of peppermint oil

There are different ways to use it. You can add some drops in your bath tab while you take a hot bath. You will feel relieved and it will soothe your muscles after a long day at work.


Unfortunately, some of us have allergies. This means that before you use the peppermint essential oil you should test it on a small area like your arm or your leg. This oil is a hot one and you don’t want to have irritated skin.

Furthermore, you should always check the shop that you will buy it. It should be 100% pure. If the label says fragrance then it is not pure which means you will not be able to use it properly.

Don’t use large quantities. Just a few drops are enough and it won’t harm you. Finally, it is great for pets because it helps with fleas and nausea. Be careful of the amount too.


There are many uses of peppermint essential oil. It is very helpful not only because it reduces stress but also because you can use it for different things. It is a natural product which means you don’t have to use medicine (unless your doctor says it).

Don’t forget that when you are going to buy the peppermint oil it should be pure. You don’t want it to have chemicals inside since you are going to use it for specific things. Enjoy your relaxation and don’t forget that natural products are the best.