Dear friends, welcome to Yardious.Com.
Below you will find our team, which is always doing its best to present you reliable and unique articles.
George L. Akka NightWish CEO FOUNDER
Gardening has been one of my main concerns for many years. It is my passion, my hobby so I thought why not? I created Yardious so as to share with you ideas and more. I am not an expert but I have an excellent,powerful and reliable team that helps me make my dream come true. Sharing my passion for Gardening.
Georgia A. Content Manager
“I am a dreamer who loves to travel and meet new places and people. I love reading books. I enjoy life and live it with the people I love the most. Because life is moments.”
Irene T. Marketing Manager
“I love the way the internet has helped us create new opportunities for ourselves. I enjoy reading articles and posting new information on the social media! There’s nothing better than researching and sharing!”
Anna T. Social Media Director
Life is full of colors, it is also short. Do not forget to smile every single day!
Lampros A. Content Creator (Αgriculturist)
I want to share my knowledge with everyone. Do You have any inquiry about your Garden? Let us know.